Rabu, Oktober 31, 2007

MyODBC (win) 3.51.21 bug (BLBK)

BLBK: Bug Lama Bersemi Kembali
*mirip2 CLBK (Cinta lama Bersemi Kembali) hehe...*

Sebetulnya bug lama...
yaitu bug: MyODBC 3.51.8(windows) return '????' when using Date format

[23 Aug 2005 13:25] Christopher Leeworthy

We had a repeat of this bug here. Initially it seemed to only effect our windows XP
machines not W2K or earlier. But further examination showed the bug was dependent on
which version of the ODBC driver we used.

Under MyODBC v3.51.06 dates returned as type 'variant/string' whilst v3.5.08 returned
dates as type 'variant/bytearray'. This was causing the application to crash on machines
with the later MyODBC driver with an 'invalid type' message.

I can tell you that MyODBC v3.51.11 now returns dates as 'variant/string' which fixes the
problem for us.

Solusinya ya pake aja MyODBC versi 3.51.11

cape de... pengen pake yang paling baru,
tapi koq masih ada bug nya...

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